Multi species action on Lake Vermilion keeps Everett Bay resort guests busy. Just check out the variety in these pictures our guests shared with us. Muskies, Northerns, Walleyes, Bass and Perch.

Lake Vermilion musky Wehmer

Memorial weekend northern action

Early season walleye – Conner

Early season smallies

Lake Vermilion perch
While the cooler than normal weather made for a less than stellar Memorial Day weekend, much better weather followed it up. This past week has begun to move things in the right direction, although temps were still in what many considered to be the “chilly” range. Water temps that were in the low 50s even slipped back into the 40s after a cold night, but they have crossed the 60 degree mark now so things should improve. Weed growth is finally beginning to take off in the shallow bays.
So how’s the fishing? If you are flexible you can find something interested in eating, as seen in the variety of fish shown above. The new musky season is off to a nice start as post spawn musky action has been pretty good. Lots of big fish seen, a handful missed, and several more caught. We have heard about 6 so far. As you would guess, small baits are the ticket.
Walleyes have been inconsistent, with the smaller fish stealing the show so far. Some guests have found those schools of bigger eaters in the 14 – 18 inch range. But more have had action primarily coming in the form fish who need another season of growth. Just in the past few days the minnow bite has opened up a bit, with crawlers catching some fish and leeches reacting a little better to the warming water.
Bass fishing has continued to be decent, but just in the past day or two the smallies are turning on. Seems to be another season of solid numbers and nice size variety. Artificials are producing as is the trusty leech and bobber.
Northerns are being picked up in the reeds and shallow bays, with guests indicating the size seems to be improved. And who can resist a mess of Lake Vermilion jumbo perch? Great fun and great in the skillet.
Here are some of the fish we heard about:
Walleyes: 23″ Quint Wehmer, 22″ Jerry Conner, 22″ Quint Wehmer, 21″ Steve Turner
Largemouth Bass: 18″ Tim Magee
Smallmouth Bass: 20″ Donny Barrell, 20″ Quint Wehmer, 19″ Donny Barrell, 18″ Donny Barrell
Muskies: 48″ Scott Johnson, 46″ Jimmy Johnson, 45″ C P, 44″ Scott Johnson, 43″ Quint Wehmer, 41″ Lee Gilbertson
Water temps still lag last year, but will move in the right direction now as the forecast shows our last overnight low in the 30s is tonight. Lake Vermilion water temp is 61 degrees today.
It’s time to plan your 2019 Lake Vermilion fishing trip if you haven’t done so. June is completely full except for Wednesday and Thursday this week in cabin 3. July spots are limited to July 6th week in Cabin 2 and a couple short stays at the end of the month. August and September spots are filling too. Follow this link to find the cabin and dates that work for you:
AND, if you are one of those people who waited too long to get your spot for this season, we are taking 2020 reservations for any dates that have passed so far this year.
Stop wishing…come fishing!