Lake Vermilion June fishing in the books – Carissa caught & released this nice northern along with several other walleyes.
With enough rain on Saturday alone to deplete our dry socks, it took a little time for the weather to settle down, but when it did it gave way to a pretty solid week of walleye action. Several fish over 20″ were caught & released, and most guests reported eating fish and taking fish home. We were happy to see several returning guests and pleased that several “first time” Lake Vermilion visitors did well and made plans to return next year – “same cabin / same week.” That’s what we like to hear!
With the cooler than normal nights the water temp has yet to get warm enough for the muskie action to take off, but it didn’t hurt the walleye bite when Dave & Eric snuck out one afternoon. The water temp jumped 7 degrees during the time they were out there, and crawlers were the bait of choice. Tony Saltarski, Jr. caught the big walleye of the week – a 27.5″ – but had to wait his turn for the net as they were in the middle of tending to his Grandpa’s 25″er. While he released the walleye, Tony did take something home…. the swing he proposed to his bride on 4 years ago.
Walleyes: 27.5″- Tony Saltarski, Jr. 25″ – Casey Saltarski, Eric Gooden, Carissa Weinand. 24″ – Scott Larson x 2, Ian Boers, Dave Gooden. 22″ – Ian Boers x 2, Scott Larson, John Humphries x 2, Tom Solom, Dan Killeen. 21.5″ – Carissa Weinand. 20.25″ – Josh Weinand. 20″ – John Toleno, Ian Boers.
Northern: 32″ – Carissa Weinand.
Largemouth Bass: 18″ – Connor Weinzirl, Ian Boers.
Smallmouth Bass: 19″ – Joan Saltarski.
If you have the week off and want to sneak away after the holiday, we have a couple options mid-week. Stop wishing….Come fishing.