How’s the bite on Lake Vermilion? Some days good, other days a little bit tougher. In most instances, while they didn’t slay them every time, experienced walleye seekers got some nice limits, but it took effort. Again the screens showed plenty of fish, but getting them to cooperate wasn’t always easy. Most guests had enough good windows to get their fish, but they also had to move around. Seemed like going slowly enough with the lindy rig was a key factor. Both crawlers and leeches caught fish. Jumbo perch again delighted those who added them to their skillet.
Bass continued to provide nice action, with several good smallies being caught. Largemouth were also caught, mainly under docks with artificials. Northerns provided some fun and it seems guests are taking advantage of the expanded lower range of the slot. They find it more productive to clean a fish closer to 30″ vs. the sub 24’s they used to clean. Information about the new reg can be found here:
Musky action seems to be picking up as guests are sorting out the open water vs. structure question. There were a few caught mid-week, and yesterday several lazy follows on a calm sunny day had guests enthusiastic that today would be good. It is not quite as bright, with intermittent showers, but the afternoon is expected to clear nicely. The Meints guys arrived yesterday afternoon and boated a small one on the figure eight on their first trip out.
Some of the fish we heard about include 22.5″ and 20.5″ walleyes by Josh Henderson. Jeff Wenc took big fish honors in the Fitzgerald crew with a 21″ smallie while his boat mate David Sue caught a 19″. Mike Schneider caught a 20″ smallie as well. Mike Young caught a 20″ largemouth bass.

August smallie fun

August Lake Vermilion smallie
We always appreciate fish pictures, but when our guests are showing their Hoosier pride, it is especially fun! Thanks Jim & Laura –

Welcome Hoosiers!

Love the Hoosiers, (except when they play the Gophs!)
(On a side note, Fitz crew – you did a pretty good job finding the mystery greeting cards with D. Sue’s fish picture – you only missed one!)
We have a 3 night stay this weekend beginning Saturday in Cabin 5. If you are interested in a full week, August 24th week works. We have a couple spots left for Labor Day weekend, a couple full weeks for the first week of September, partials the week of the 7th, then 2 options the week of 9/14 and a couple more the week of 9/21. Take advantage of the 20% savings off prime season rates. There are varied arrival date options to fit with other stays on the book, so hop over to the availability page and see if something works for you.
Lake Vermilion water temp is 74.6 today.
Stop wishing…come fishing!