
Walleyes continue to be caught with shad raps on breaklines in 15-18 feet. Most in the 14-16 inch range. Great for the table. My wife texted a friend while we were getting doubles the title above. The bite has been wonderful for several weeks now. Slowed a little on days that have been in the eighties and dead flat calm, but otherwise has been real consistent.The weather has remained very pleasant. The water is down a lot over the past month, probably a foot. We could use some rain. Water temps are close to 70 still. Smallmouth bass have been caught off of shorelines in 10-11 feet. They are now out of season.

With this hot weather the muskies have been moving in their typical summer locations. Saw seven the other day. Lost one and had three other near misses. It wasn’t my day I guess.

If a trip north is in your plans, give us a call at 800-249-3178.

May your pole always be bent!  Dave