Lake Vermilion spring

Lake Vermilion weather

Lake Vermilion warm weather coming

March 2015 Lake Vermilion weather

Lake Vermilion spring weather 2015 looking good. We realize it is a little early to do the “Spring is here” happy dance – but things are looking good on the short term horizon. The ten day forecast points to temps almost 15 degrees above average for the stretch. Sprinkle in some nights with lows above freezing and we can’t let it pass without sharing a little bit of cheer. The weekend is teasing us with a stellar Sunday forecast – the kind of day that makes you want to get the fishing gear ready, tinker around with the boat, or maybe swing the golf club. With the snow making great melting progress and the warm temps, time to kick it in gear and get the inside chores done so we can set our sights on the outdoor spring projects. Can’t wait!!